Johnny Dollar: moar spork
Johnny Dollar: I Want A New Spork
marcpomerol: Weightless Fork
rsaxvc: Spork
John**W: Spork gets Police protection at Ironbridge
John**W: Spork @ Musée d'Orsay
John**W: Spork @ Tour Eiffel
ChaseItOrBChased: Once upon a time a Spoon met a Fork, and here comes the SPORK
ChaseItOrBChased: Once upon a time a Spoon met a Fork, and here comes the SPORK
ChaseItOrBChased: Once upon a time a Spoon met a Fork, and here comes the SPORK
ChaseItOrBChased: Once upon a time a Spoon met a Fork, and here comes the SPORK
ChaseItOrBChased: Once upon a time a Spoon met a Fork, and here comes the SPORK
lindsatomica: my mighty titanium spork
ex_magician: Overwhelmed Spork
vomsorb: I have more than one spork.
vomsorb: man and spork
ellevegas: Morning bento
ellevegas: Evening bento
Manic Street Preacher: Day 626: New Spork
chrismar: Spoon, meet Spork
Joshua Doherty: Bend Bowl
cole007: Vintage Spork
Gesshoku Designs: Rawr! I'm a Spork T-shirt
Shooting the World: Warmth in a cold world
krakencrafts: Cool Flatware
beanhimself: scratched spork
DbGraphicDesign: Winter 2008: World Of Forks - Page 7
brad hood: Light My Fire
sibelian: glass, shell and wood