spelio: Here's lookin' at you kid
spelio: keepin' the flies and birds away
spelio: Thumbs+M Equalize edit
spelio: Bigger vans arrive
spelio: OffRoad rigs arrive
spelio: More rooftop rigs
spelio: More 'roos and camers
spelio: More vans
spelio: Trre shade and a roof
spelio: A very fancy POD from VIC
spelio: An OZLAPYEAR
spelio: The showers need more
spelio: The loos need more
spelio: We need longer light time
spelio: New arrivals reverse in
spelio: Moth on tent
spelio: Moth torso
spelio: Moth wing 2
spelio: Moth wing 3
spelio: Moth wings
spelio: Random camping
spelio: Random camping, he had been trying for three years to camp at Green Patch in Booderee National Park
spelio: Angla set up for 6 nights until next Sat
spelio: The evening campfire.
spelio: The evening campfire gets going..
spelio: A random wander around Green Patch after we arrive
davebloggs007: Memories of summer
davebloggs007: Memories of summer
kevin.rarick75: Camp fire by the lake
davebloggs007: Always time for one more brew.