john durrant: The shortcut that didn't work out exactly as expected.
john durrant: The shortcut that didn't work out exactly as expected.
john durrant: The shortcut that didn't work out exactly as expected.
70023venus2009: Was ist hier los !!!
70023venus2009: Free Accomodation!
real00: Carnegie Museum of Art, No Refuge 6
david grim: "I TOLD You Not to Leave the Seat Up!", She Said.
real00: Bent Bollard on Baum Boulevard, May 29, 2015
david grim: Socking It To The Man.
david grim: Current Events
real00: Blown out Church facade and crushed car, 2002
real00: Crushed Car (June 2002 microburst)
real00: Damage from June 2002 microburst
real00: Crushed Car (June 2002 microburst)
70023venus2009: Trailers for sale or rent
john durrant: Ka on the rocks.
john durrant: Another one bites the dust. Shchadenfreude.
john durrant: Another one bites the dust. Shchadenfreude.
john durrant: Another one bites the dust. Shchadenfreude.
john durrant: Another one bites the dust. Shchadenfreude.
john durrant: Another one bites the dust. Shchadenfreude.
70023venus2009: Crapston Villas
70023venus2009: Penalty Notice!
david grim: Nurturing the Body and Soul
david grim: Time to Save Just One Thing
70023venus2009: TITANIC bouncy castle sinking into pub car park
david grim: Stiff Walk After a Stiff Drink
david grim: Super-Bros and the Plastic Girl.
david grim: Why Bother?
david grim: Bull Moose Trophy