Dan Daniels: Shadow Dancer
guillecabrera: Curious Man on Stair
crashcalloway: Looking Down
Marie-Hélène Cingal: Pérouse, Ombrie: cathédrale Saint-Laurent (Cattedrale di San Lorenzo), chapelle du Saint-Anneau
tomk-p1959: Borkum...
Marie-Hélène Cingal: Gubbio, Ombrie: Palais des Consuls (Palazzo dei Consoli), construction médiévale datant du XIVe siècle, un des plus remarquables palais gothiques et le plus grand palais public italien.
Sandra Lipproß: Den Bell
Carismarkus: Scala in degrado
michael_hamburg69: Hamburg stairs
Wendy:: at Parke;s castle EDiSD /HSfS
Ant_H.: 2 Temple Place
petra.foto busy busy busy: Fibonacci Spirale
ferlomu: Vitoria 03 20240603 Calles de Vitoria
Minke Wagenaar: Suriname - Jodensavanne
Giloustrat: Stairway to steel
Blende1.8: twisted and wooden
Thilo Sengupta: Fliegerhorst Schönwalde
jantoniojess: Subida
MGness / urbexery.com: Hearing footsteps on the staircase
regev01: DSC_3162
Marie-Hélène Cingal: Pérouse, Ombrie
Greko One: Iron jail
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Paris, Rivoli, 05
Ma.NeverStopExploring: all will be good
Marie-Hélène Cingal: Pérouse, Ombrie: basilique San Domenico