Peggy Dembicer: Flight of Fancy
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_1722
Peggy Dembicer: One for the Records
Peggy Dembicer: Knots in the Hood
Peggy Dembicer: Reclaimed Youth
Peggy Dembicer: Color Wheel
Peggy Dembicer: Flower Bowls
Peggy Dembicer: Material Possessions (detail)
Peggy Dembicer: Rings & Things
sffubs: IMG_3123_v4
funkydeez2000: A World of Fluff
canong2fan: Knots Landing
canong2fan: Bellissima
canong2fan: Medieval Cloth For Sale
canong2fan: Winnie the Pooh re-cycled!
canong2fan: Three by Three
canong2fan: Kneelers
Peggy Dembicer: Dottie "detail view 2"
Peggy Dembicer: Spiraling Out of Control "detail view"
Peggy Dembicer: Spiraling Out Of Control
shenevski: Fire!
funkydeez2000: Emoth of that nonsense.
funkydeez2000: The Shawl
Peggy Dembicer: Wave Weave
funkydeez2000: Setting up
funkydeez2000: Through the barricade
funkydeez2000: Engaged - taking a break from spinning
funkydeez2000: Autumn colours
funkydeez2000: ON1-180927-00111