deanspic: American Crow up on tree 🌲
deanspic: American Crow eating something on its mouth.
PANDOOZY PHOTOS: Redshanks-Tringa totanus.
deanspic: Another massive view of Great Egret on water near shoreline.
Oric1: Grèbe à cou noir (Podiceps nigricollis)
Oric1: Mouette rieuse (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) et son anguille
Oric1: Araignée du matin...
Diggerthedog99: Lost in the Ripples of Time
Ivona & Eli: In search of dinner
deanspic: Blue Jay standing on Leaves.
PANDOOZY PHOTOS: Little Egret- Egretta garzetta.
Matts__Pics: Last Light
Oric1: Aigrettes garzettes (Egretta garzetta) et Spatules blanches (Platalea leucorodia)
Oric1: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe (Alcedo atthis)
deanspic: Gull Birds most on the shoreline Bird Island. Also Great Egret standing up too !!!
deanspic: Gorgeous view on water near shoreline of Great Egret walking with thin legs.
deanspic: Red squirrel
Adam Swaine: Mallard Anas platyrhyncho..(female)
Ivona & Eli: The only way is up!
deanspic: Mallard young male standing up on top rock over water.
Adam Swaine: Tide out on the Swale Estuary Kent
deanspic: Lovely shoreline at CornwallCanal.
Adam Swaine: E.Swale, Harty Ferry Kent
Adam Swaine: Mute Swans over the Oare Marshes Kent
Adam Swaine: Mute Swans in Flight @ Oare Marshes Kent..
Adam Swaine: Early Morning on the Swale Kent Coast..