Skeelogy: Stripey Bokeh
Skeelogy: Drummer
Skeelogy: Wine At Esplanade
dr. atique de malique << back on track >>: '' Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love, because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall. '' ~ author
dr. atique de malique << back on track >>: “Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” ~ Henry Rollins
dr. atique de malique << back on track >>: light bokeh compilation... :))
dr. atique de malique << back on track >>: One kind word can warm three winter months. ~ Japanese proverb
Kerli'sPhotography: Happy Holidays!
Kerli'sPhotography: Christmas bokeh
gbrummett: Ever Wonder
gbrummett: Pretty Young Lass at the AZ Ren Fest
gbrummett: Purple Fiddle Heads Close up with Bokeh
gbrummett: Twig the Fairy's Friend Zinnia the Fairy posing by front Castle gate AZ Ren Fest
steve9k: gravelichen
steve9k: letmein
steve9k: antiskate
blaarg-: lioness
emlsuto: Terrace
steve9k: heavynight