emlsuto: Home again
emlsuto: Looking at pictures of Dash
emlsuto: Grace at Parap Markets
emlsuto: Family selfie 2, Darwin Ski Club
emlsuto: Family selfie 1, Darwin Ski Club
emlsuto: 3 champs, Darwin Ski Club
emlsuto: Darwin Ski Club 6
emlsuto: Darwin Ski Club 5
emlsuto: Darwin Ski Club 4
emlsuto: Liz & Grace at Darwin Ski Club
emlsuto: Darwin Ski Club 3
emlsuto: Darwin Ski Club 2
emlsuto: Darwin Ski Club 1
emlsuto: Sai
emlsuto: The contents of the armoury/loft
emlsuto: Heading to Croc-a-whatsits
emlsuto: Workers washers, Discovery holiday park
emlsuto: Late night swim
emlsuto: Mindil Beach night markets 6
emlsuto: Mindil Beach night markets 5
emlsuto: Mindil Beach night markets 4
emlsuto: Mindil Beach night markets, watching the show
emlsuto: Mindil Beach night markets 3
emlsuto: Mindil Beach night markets 2
emlsuto: Mindil Beach night markets 1
emlsuto: Diesel Contract Services
emlsuto: Waiting for a taxi to the markets, 2
emlsuto: Waiting for a taxi to the markets, 1
emlsuto: Project Marketing Services, Stuart highway
emlsuto: Walking home after dropping the van off. Hot. No big cups at the servo for a fanta crush (I checked).