mike13aug: passing through
mike13aug: horse and rider
Bernard Spragg: Driving the team.
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_4818
Role Bigler: Fjordinger
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_6648_38
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_0614
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_0608
Role Bigler: Norwegisches Fjordpferd
Role Bigler: DSCF6054
mike13aug: entering the lock
mike13aug: in the lock
mike13aug: willow waiting to go
mike13aug: willow taking a break
mike13aug: willow
Role Bigler: DSCF7978
Role Bigler: DSCF7980
uwe125: Przwalski-horse / Przwalski-Pferd
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_1798
Bernard Spragg: "Silver shadow"