Swaalfke: Chocolade
Swaalfke: Knitting
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2406
snapshot du jour: Now is wow
Angie Naron: Leap Year Calculation
everett taasevigen: Eat The Music
Angie Naron: Back to the 50's -- 1956 to be precise
Heather - artsyKarma.com: Cyclops artist trading card
Marion Massip: Essentiels
Rusty Rocks: ‘Steal a Car, Rob a Bank, Wave a Flag While Sat on a Tank’, paper collage. Stephen Cranston 2024.
annie.lehoux: Shirley Temple et les roses (collage)
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2405
annie.lehoux: Des oiseaux et des roses (collage)
Joanna Key: **silent scream**
annie.lehoux: Les cœurs d’amour (collage)
CaitieLouCrafted: Daisy May & Daisy June (BOTH SOLD)
everett taasevigen: Superficiality In The Arms Each Other.
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2404
kurberry: POOL - page 65 ak
Joey Z1: Early Collage
everett taasevigen: Half The World
Angie Naron: All Creatures Great & Small: THE BLUE WHALE
Rusty Rocks: ‘Brass Bands and Unlit Bus Stands, Mistake The Sun for The Moon’, paper collage. Stephen Cranston 2024.
tahewitt: untitled
annie.lehoux: Jeune fille à la rose (collage)
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2403
annie.lehoux: Pensées douces (collage)