ahockley: Up and to the Right
ahockley: What's the Frequency, Kenneth?
Kirt Edblom: Shark!!
Craig Damlo: That's a Green Moray
Zlaurelz1: Moray Eel-Oregon Coast Aquarium
Zlaurelz1: Friendly Harbor Seal-Oregon Coast Aquarium
Zlaurelz1: Sharks! Passages of the Deep at Oregon Coast Aquarium
Zlaurelz1: Sea nettles
Zlaurelz1: Moray Eel
Zlaurelz1: So many cool anemones!
Zlaurelz1: Anchovies!
Zlaurelz1: Oregon Coast Aquarium-Anemone
Zlaurelz1: Harbor seal
bruswen: Catching Some Waves
Brook Terwilliger: Green Moray at Oregon Coast Aquarium
Brook Terwilliger: Pacific Sea Nettle Jellyfish
Brook Terwilliger: Horned Puffin
Brook Terwilliger: Common Murre at Oregon Coast Aquarium 2016
Brook Terwilliger: Pacific Sea Nettle Jellyfish
Krepatura: Telescope Fish
wendeebird: Under the sea.
wendeebird: Pink.
wendeebird: Strawberry Anemone.
wendeebird: Iridescent.
wendeebird: Nemo.
wendeebird: Wolf Eel.
wendeebird: Jellyman!
kathleen_kitto: Seriously - I don't want to hear it again!