jangurney: DSC00034 - Hawk looking for road kill or possibly going to be road kill. He got away this time..
jangurney: DSC_3660 - Fantail doing what fantails do best
jangurney: DSC07764 - A wintery day
jangurney: DSC06796 - Entrance to Whakatane Harbour at sunset
jangurney: DSC00200 Gnarly old pohutukawa tree
jangurney: DSC05815 - The cormorant got himself a good breakfast this morning
jangurney: DSC05679 - Dragonfly with lots of dew drops glistening in the early morning sun.
jangurney: DSCN9422 - All fluffed up
jangurney: Old Cromwell Town, South Island, NZ in the Autumn IN EXPLORE
jangurney: DSC04185 - Australian magpie moth. It was introduced to NZ in the 1860s to control pasture pests. to
jangurney: DSC03357 - Busy little spiders
jangurney: P1450585 - Twins at the Quarry Gardens
jangurney: DSC_2023 - Typical NZ scene
jangurney: DSC02230 - Blue butterfly on blue forget me nots
jangurney: P4042659 - Dragonfly
jangurney: DSC01914 - White butterfly
jangurney: DSC01783 - Spider still at home on this web.
jangurney: P1110865 - Don't know what he is but he was tiny.
jangurney: DSC_2172 - Sunset
jangurney: P1480577 - My sunrise this morning
jangurney: P1110788 - Spider with his prey
jangurney: P1480184 - Bumble bee + cosmos = beautiful
jangurney: DSC06630 - Whangarei Rose Garden
BigCrazyJake: Random Shadows 4
jangurney: DSC05960 -
BigCrazyJake: shopping cartsa
jangurney: DSC04693 - Getting better but still have a ways to go.
jangurney: DSC03081 - My grand daughter came for a visit with her best friend. (Yes he does have a seatbelt on)
jangurney: DSC02169 - Just a weed. Early morning and not awake yet. (Morning Glory)