0x4e84: Wood you swim with me?
0x4e84: Follow me if you can!
quinet: Richly carved pulpit
0x4e84: Fleur-de-Lys ⚜
quinet: Pulpit as a sailing ship
quinet: Antique chair
joschibelami: Holzbrücke
joschibelami: Holzbrücke
joschibelami: Holzbrücke
quinet: Antique bedside table
0x4e84: Wood ❤
0x4e84: Boxing day
0x4e84: Smooth ride
0x4e84: The (micro-adjust) wheel of fortune
0x4e84: Luthier King
quinet: 1700 Manila galleon chest
quinet: 1815 game table
quinet: 1790 wardrobe of German immigrants
quinet: 1492 Spanish wood carving
quinet: Antique tall chest of drawers
quinet: Antique tallboy
quinet: 1794 hope chest
quinet: Antique chest
quinet: Antique cabinet
quinet: 1801 hope chest
quinet: Antique chests of drawers
quinet: c. 1800 Chest of drawers
quinet: 1760 secretary desk
quinet: 1700 Dressing Table
quinet: 1865 Secretary Desk