pitpix2010: christliche Deckenmalerei Barockkirche St. Peter XI
Martin M. Miles: Bath - Abbey
Martin M. Miles: Bath - Abbey
Martin M. Miles: Bath - Abbey
Norbert Kaiser: Über den Dächern von Wismar
Martin M. Miles: Bath - Abbey
Christoph Bieberstein: Wehrkirche St. Remigius in Siegelbach
Christoph Bieberstein: Wehrkirche St. Crucis in Espenfeld
Christoph Bieberstein: Pfarrhaus und Wehrkirche St. Crucis in Espenfeld
Rev Paul O'Connor: Jesús del Rescate y María Santísima de Gracia
Christoph Bieberstein: Wehrkirche St. Otmar in Dosdorf
Christoph Bieberstein: Liebfrauenkirche in Plaue
www.jhluxton.com - John H. Luxton Photography: L2011_3740 Albert Memorial and Town Church, St Peter Port
Martin M. Miles: Wells - Cathedral
John D Fielding: Norwich aerial image: St Julian's Church
Martin M. Miles: Wells - Cathedral
M. Cristian-Ioan: Biserica Sf Ioachim şi Ana - Oborul Vechi 2010 (13)
M. Cristian-Ioan: Biserica Sf Ioachim şi Ana - Oborul Vechi 2010 (2)
M. Cristian-Ioan: biserica Sfintii Parinti si troleibuz
M. Cristian-Ioan: Biserica Sf Ioachim şi Ana - Oborul Vechi 2010 (9)
M. Cristian-Ioan: Biserica Sf Ioachim şi Ana - Oborul Vechi 2010 (3)
M. Cristian-Ioan: Biserica Sf Ioachim şi Ana - Oborul Vechi 2010 (16)
Christoph Bieberstein: Wehrkirche Kleinbreitenbach
Christoph Bieberstein: Dorfkirche Martinroda
Christoph Bieberstein: Dorfkirche Heyda
Rev Paul O'Connor: Morning Sun on the Church
Martin M. Miles: Wells - Cathedral
Martin M. Miles: Wells - Cathedral
Tauralbus: 20240229_Katakomben_072
m.lebel: Église Saint Eustache - Luminiscense (vidéo 3)