riesebusch: Berlin, Alt-Marzahner Erntefest: Blick durch das getönte Plexiglas einer Riesenradkabine zur Dorfkirche - Berlin, Old Marzahn Harvest Festival: Looking through the tinted acryllic glass of a ferris wheel cabin to the Village Church
Rev Paul O'Connor: Our Lady Teaching Jesus to Walk
Rubem Jr: Caminho do Interior - Santiago Way: Peso da Régua até St Marta do Penaguião
John D Fielding: Crowland Abbey aerial image - Lincolnshire
John D Fielding: Crowland Abbey aerial image - Lincolnshire
Martin M. Miles: Chaves - Santa Maria Maior
fusion-of-horizons: Basilica of Saint Mark, Venice
Martin M. Miles: Chaves - Santa Maria Maior
M. Cristian-Ioan: Sf. Gheorghe Pelerinul la biserica Sf. vasile cel Mare din calea Victoriei (14)
M. Cristian-Ioan: Sf. Gheorghe Pelerinul la biserica Sf. vasile cel Mare din calea Victoriei (15)
M. Cristian-Ioan: Sf. Gheorghe Pelerinul la biserica Sf. vasile cel Mare din calea Victoriei (23)
M. Cristian-Ioan: SfGheorghe_Pelerinul icoana
M. Cristian-Ioan: Sf. Gheorghe Pelerinul la biserica Sf. vasile cel Mare din calea Victoriei (8)
M. Cristian-Ioan: SfGheorghe_Pelerinul - racla cu moastele
Christoph Bieberstein: Újezd pod Troskami - Kostel sv. Jana Křtitele
Rev Paul O'Connor: Church Door Rivets
Rev Paul O'Connor: St Ursula Statue
Helgoland01: Rapallo: Basilica Santi Gervasio e Protasio di Rapallo
richardr: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche
Rev Paul O'Connor: St Mary's, Harvington
richardr: Sankt Matthäus Kirche
Rev Paul O'Connor: Cathedral Sunset
surreydock: Carennac Abbey, tympanum
surreydock: Evora Cathedral, Alentajo, Portugal
M. Cristian-Ioan: Old Court Saint Antony Church (5)
M. Cristian-Ioan: Old Court Saint Antony Church (2)
M. Cristian-Ioan: Old Court Saint Antony Church
M. Cristian-Ioan: Old Court Saint Antony Church (17)
M. Cristian-Ioan: Old Court Saint Antony Church (9)
M. Cristian-Ioan: Old Court Saint Antony Church (12)