אמנותישראלית: 个展曲美术馆 中国苏州市 展览名称 色彩 拉斐尔·佩雷斯的陶醉 八月 九月 十月 2023
אמנותישראלית: 個展曲美術館 中國蘇州市 展覽名稱 色彩 拉斐爾·佩雷斯的陶醉 八月 九月 十月 2023
אמנותישראלית: Exposición individual qu Art Museum Suzhou City China Nombre de la exposición color Intoxicación de Raphael perez Agosto Septiembre Octubre 2023
אמנותישראלית: Einzelausstellung im Kunstmuseum Suzhou City China Name der Ausstellungsfarbe Intoxication of Raphael Perez August September Oktober 2023
cebednarik: Americana
cebednarik: 3 Amigoes
Madonovan: "Alongside" - finished! 6/18/23
Madonovan: "The Circle Game" (complete) - 6/3/23
Madonovan: "Only God Knows" - 5/18/23
Madonovan: Ready to start the background
Madonovan: "Mercy Rain" ...coming along, 2/20/23
Madonovan: "This Breath (Your Love)" - complete, 1/9/23
Madonovan: I've been going back and forth about adding this grey, decided it needed it
Madonovan: I've been going back and forth about adding this grey, decided it needed it
Madonovan: "Though We Can Not See You, We Love You" - for God, 11/7/22
Madonovan: "Connectaflor" *(for Susan) - complete! 9/19/22
Madonovan: "1987"
Madonovan: "Glory"
Madonovan: "Glory"
Madonovan: Showing my sister what kind of art I'm up to these days
Madonovan: Progress on current coloring project
Madonovan: Progress on current coloring project
Madonovan: Art selfie for my sister💖
Madonovan: Progress on sketch and coloring piece for my sister Gina💖
Madonovan: Fun with Spirograph 2018
Madonovan: Fun with Spirograph 2018
Madonovan: Fun with Spirograph 2018
Madonovan: Colors for next sketch
Madonovan: All finished!
Madonovan: Details of finished piece