Madonovan: Slowly starting to put our garden back together
Madonovan: My Special Boy!
Madonovan: Thursday Evening Specials
Madonovan: Genesis 1: 14 - 21
Madonovan: Morning Bible study at my desk, 7/25/24
Madonovan: Midnight Sky
Madonovan: Isaiah 66: 23 & 24
Madonovan: Wednesday Evening Specials
Madonovan: It's not about what I do, it's about what He's do-ING
Madonovan: Ready to change. Not afraid to be honest with God and myself. 7/24/24
Madonovan: Isaiah 64: 7 - 9
Madonovan: Isaiah 64: 4 - 6
Madonovan: Wednesday morning Bible read, 7/24/24
Madonovan: Isaiah 62: 10 - 12
Madonovan: Art time
Madonovan: Tuesday Evening Specials
Madonovan: Our garden took a real beating during major tree trimming in our neighborhood
Madonovan: Isaiah 61: 3 & 4
Madonovan: Tuesday morning Bible read at my desk, 7/23/24
Madonovan: Isaiah 60: 22
Madonovan: Jesus, show me what to do and how to feel
Madonovan: Ultimately NOT the welcome home we were looking for
Madonovan: This place, this place, what a horrible place
Madonovan: The end of our garden. Completely ruined by homeowners association
Madonovan: Summer at Cal Air
Madonovan: Isaiah 59: 11 - 13
Madonovan: Isaiah 59: 1 - 4
Madonovan: Monday morning Bible study at my desk, 7/22/24
Madonovan: Sunday Night Specials
Madonovan: Chef Kenny's "Ritz Cracker Chicken!"