Ron and Co.: Spira mirabilis
Ron and Co.: The horns of spring
bellemma39: 5A7A6431_DxO
bellemma39: 5A7A6459_DxO
Ron and Co.: Circination
Boxley: Manxey Level
Christopher_Hawkins: Loddon 2196-3595
Ron and Co.: Uncurling bracken
Christopher_Hawkins: Loddon -173924 Near Decoy Pond
Christopher_Hawkins: Loddon -0599 Harvested Field
Ron and Co.: Sculptural form
dbarlow: Killarney Fern Trichomanes speciosum or Vandenboschia speciosa depending on which book you read a really rare troglodyte fern in the U.K.
Ron and Co.: The spiralling madness of the frond obsessive
Ron and Co.: Curves, arches and spirals
Hornbeam Arts: Polypody - Polypodium vulgare
Ron and Co.: Unwinding and spreading
swift100: Whispering grass
Kenosnik: Valkopiirtoheinä
Ron and Co.: Red driving range
Ron and Co.: Unfurling fronds
Ron and Co.: Life on the frond
bellemma39: 5A7A0254_DxO
Phlips photos: Rhydymwyn area, North Wales, UK, 2021.
bellemma39: 5A7A8384_DxO
Croydongas: IMG_9823
Croydongas: IMG_9820
Ron and Co.: The golden ratio
The LakeSide: Carex sylvatica