Hard Rock Hotel Sign
Kenzie2k3: Yashica 635 TTV
Jorge Marambio: En distintas direcciones
heritagefutures: Chen-Yu Acid
Jen's Photography: 18 my Mexican garden
William 74: 400-410
Jen's Photography: 14 park TtV
William 74: Chicago Theater
William 74: Central Camera
William 74: Central Camera
leo.roos: The young Mona Lisa
leo.roos: Through the viewfinder to the past
leo.roos: Mamamiya, mamamiya
Jen's Photography: 10 mansion TtV
Jen's Photography: 13 hot dogs
Jen's Photography: 1 Chicago Fountain TtV
Jen's Photography: Sunken Gardens TtV
Jen's Photography: 17 FAIRY ON THE RIGHT! LOOK!!!*
Jen's Photography: 13 TtV tinted puddle
Jen's Photography: 10 TtV tomato
Jen's Photography: 17 TtV umbrella
Jen's Photography: 3 TtV dreamy house
leo.roos: Early Stones
leo.roos: In the studio today
leo.roos: Cinquecento (through the viewfinder)
leo.roos: Die Baba (The baby) through the viewfinder
leo.roos: Camera ABC: P = Pentax
leo.roos: Camera ABC: D = Duaflex (Kodak Duaflex II, 1950-1954) _ 2