custombase: Nightfall in the city
custombase: Mikey makes a friend
custombase: I just gotta get one thing
custombase: We will have to head up to street level
custombase: Teenage mutant ninja turtles the movie Leonardo
custombase: Teenage mutant ninja turtles the movie Donatello
custombase: Teenage mutant ninja turtles the movie Michelangelo
custombase: Teenage mutant ninja turtles the movie Raphael
custombase: The wrath of KRANG!
custombase: Yes baby BOSS. I mean Right away baby SHREDDER. I mean Yes right away BOSS!
custombase: An origin story
custombase: The legend begins
custombase: The sewer is home to me
custombase: Somewhere in the sewer
custombase: Guarding the lair
custombase: Outside of the lair
custombase: TMNT CLASSICS
custombase: Mikey the clown of the group
custombase: Don the brains
custombase: Raph the rough tough one
custombase: Leo the fearless leader
custombase: That was an AWESOME day lil Dude
benoitdorel: NINJA TURTELS
benoitdorel: TCHIN TCHIN
custombase: Feast of the DEAD
custombase: And the DEAD shall walk the Earth
custombase: OH GOD! How did they get in?
custombase: "QUICKLY, April. Come with us!"
benoitdorel: LE MENAGE 2