andy_harris62: Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias 1 of 2
andy_harris62: Bald Eagle (juv's) confrontation 2 of 3
andy_harris62: Barred Owl - Strix varia
andy_harris62: Bald Eagle (juv's) confrontation 1 of 3
nitchwick: DSC07004
nitchwick: DSC07000
nitchwick: DSC06932
nitchwick: DSC06991
nitchwick: DSC07007
nitchwick: DSC06936
nitchwick: DSC07033
Mary Wardell: 2016-12-16 Tiny Barn or a Mailbox
wizmo: moss-stache
wizmo: clover 2
wizmo: spiney
wizmo: Mr. Prickly
wizmo: succulent
wizmo: clover
wizmo: palmface
dmeeds: Wild Cherry Tree
SoulRider.222 / Eric Rider: The Thing on The Beach.
dmeeds: Sauvie Island: Apple Orchard
dmeeds: Sauvie Island: Old Truck
dmeeds: Sauvie Island: Old Truck
dmeeds: Sauvy Island - Old Truck
dmeeds: Sauvie Island - Giant Oak Trees
dmeeds: Chicken at Sauvie Island