Lindsay Cooke: Mulga-Parrot-_F2A0141
gsegelken: Pied Oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris) @ American River, Kangaroo Island, South Australia-1452
laz666: Jumping spider with prey
laz666: Superb Fairywren
sh3lli3: A very special moment
Luke6876: Odd branch
The Aussie Art Maker: Eucalyptus Tortoise Beet -- I think le
baker.cameron43: Lounge lizard
DaveSPN: The Partner
laz666: Paper wasp Polistes stigma
Fat Burns ☮: lagoon creek - brolga (Explore, June 6, 2024)
gsegelken: Juvenile Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) on the Daintree River, Daintree National Park, Queensland, Australia-1643
gsegelken: Australian Wood Duck (Chenonetta jubata) @ Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary @ Brisbane, Australia-1586
54,000 photos uploaded: Three Pelicans looking for food Bribie Island-1
54,000 photos uploaded: Two Pelicans looking for food Bribie Island-1=
54,000 photos uploaded: Two Pelicans looking for food Bribie Island-2=
Luke6876: Silver Gull
Origma: Godwit, Hudsonian (Limosa haemastica)
gecko47: Brushtail On the Move
gecko47: Almost Hidden
Digiruss: Bush Stone Curlew
Bergfalke4: 5352 Eastern Spinebill
Bergfalke4: 5354 Eastern Spinebill
Bergfalke4: 5348 Nervous Departure
DaveSPN: Watching
laz666: Lynx spider Peucetia species
laz666: Lynx spider Peucetia species
hazza3d: Smiling
Merrillie: A Little Eagle amongst the bare tree branches in Winter