BlueMod: Ready.
BlueMod: Ramsgate Tunnels.
Chroniques optiques: Drug Prophets I
BlueMod: Lockdown locked down. In fact, you could walk 20 feet to the left and go through a gate, but that's not as dramatic.Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens, Birmingham UK.
BlueMod: Being shot.
Chroniques optiques: Poor man's Fuji
Northwoods Apparition: Lake Superior Trawl (Port SideRopes)
Chroniques optiques: DSCF2834_01
BlueMod: And now, the football results: Water Orton - 4 Shard End - 3
Northwoods Apparition: Gogebic Range-First Snowshoe Adventure of the Season
Northwoods Apparition: Storm Door-Abandoned Farm
BlueMod: Angles and Shadows.
BlueMod: Braving the October chill, Ramsgate.
BlueMod: Remembrance.