Madonovan: "Still Not Quite Right"
eli_brown: Am I Dreaming?
Madonovan: I. *WILL*. Have. My. Garden, Damn-It!
Madonovan: Job 3: 20 - 23
Madonovan: Dear God, please offer me this single day of happiness and peace, please
Madonovan: Please, God, ...just this one day, allow me happiness
Madonovan: "Error Occured" - completed 4/19/24
alagfanaiel: Ella ya no vive aquí
alagfanaiel: Happy 77th
Davide Terreni: Aseptic Void - Playmates (2024)
tarengil: 2023-11-26_03-40-15
tarengil: Train V
tarengil: Train X
tarengil: Train XI
natureuberalles: A day in the office
steveleeart: October 3, 2023 Subverted Selfie Project Post (Be Your Own Beloved Edition)
natureuberalles: Give back to earth what belongs to earth.
natureuberalles: Re edits
alagfanaiel: Magullada