rickwil64: Cows Are Grazing
Cristiano Antognotti: Former factory
Cristiano Antognotti: PC revolution
rickwil64: Once Was A Grange
Cristiano Antognotti: Former factory
rickwil64: Watch Your Step
rickwil64: Lost In the Weeds
Cristiano Antognotti: Love,love,love….
Cristiano Antognotti: Former explosives factory
rickwil64: Lost To A Wildfire
"Lischen": Von der Sonne wachgeküsst
Cristiano Antognotti: Former factory
rickwil64: They Just Farm Around It
Cristiano Antognotti: Former factory
woodpecker_photo: DSC_9589_ShiftN
rickwil64: Moved On
Cristiano Antognotti: Former factory
rickwil64: Another Lost Farmstead
Cristiano Antognotti: Former wooler mill
rickwil64: Fallen Porch
Wicked Dark Photography: Revealing details
Cristiano Antognotti: Laboratoire chimique
rickwil64: Lonely
Cristiano Antognotti: Former factory
saxon1952: Ruins Abercairny Estate Perthshire
rickwil64: Once Was A School
Cristiano Antognotti: Former powerplant
rickwil64: Abandoned Long Ago