Nek_Z@n: Pure White
SafronovIV: Joker in the Light
Andreas Mundt ( roquesgallery ): Best Place To Be....
barry crosthwaite: Two Monks...
Alfredo Rafael: El Callejon
ant_moc: Winter at see.
rzleyphotography: LEY07335 xcopy
Tucapel: Thompson Falls - Wildcat Mountain, New Hampshire - 10-14-15 06
ujkraus29: Düsseldorf Media Harbour (in explore❤️)
miguelbejar: Cerca del mar (para Gloria Castro)
Santiago Gumiel: Narcissus dubius
Don Dunning: Allen's Hummingbird
gerardcarron: Les jonquilles du lac 🌺🌻🌷* (Savoie 03/2024)
jmahiquesmeseguer: King Penguin /Pingüino Rey (Aptenodytes Patagonicus)
hjuengst: Morning light and mist
eol9097: 102659
[LL]: Finnish fall n°6
kleiner_eisbaer_75: Be careful, the train is rolling in
milos lach: Shapes
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *25 seconds on the golden river* Golden morning
NORDIC Lightbeams: Home of Thor ?
a.schumacher_fotobox: Brücke in Kanne/ Belgien zur blauen Stunde
jm canfran: Del cielo
Ian Dudley: South Stack sunset
Shirly Hamra: Most stylish Great Buddha in Japan - When viewed from the right distance behind the train crossing of the Nagoya’s Railway Co’s Inuyama Line, the statue appears to be wearing sunglasses, earning it the nickname “Great Buddha with Sunglasses”. Not only doe