Mary&Neil: People on a bridge in Gent
-Bachir: Goslings -2
Kari Siren: Lonely tree
Arzh_uur: rêveur
-Bachir: The painter decorator -c
martincarlisle: Alberta Badlands
Algie Moncrief: 20230909_003590 : 123 Pictures in 2023 : #20 Commercial Transport
Camillo diBì (): La cattedrale
vedebe: La pêche aux nuages... / Fishing the clouds...
Catherine - Casuré: Un jour à la mer
-Bachir: Peacock butterfly ID -2
-Bachir: Memory of a wall -c
Algie Moncrief: 20230909_003587 : 123 Pictures in 2023 : #68 Mundane
Rik V.: In the box.
-Bachir: National Portrait Gallery- 'improvisation' -a
-Bachir: c- Camera in hand - Olympus
piwiyan: anonymat
-Bachir: a- Camera in hand -Rollei
jefdgeo: passionnant
Dan Johan: somebody else's balloon escaping
Carlos Lopes Franco: walking around
-Bachir: Skylight architectural design -2
-Bachir: The old man -b
-Bachir: Waiting for something -3
-Bachir: Waiting for something -1
vedebe: La robe et les jambes... / Dress and legs...
vedebe: 50s sur le quai / 50s on the dock
Dan Johan: sauna. swim. repeat.