Manfred Wersching: Im Dschungel der Stadt - In the jungle of the city
Paul Millan 2: Los Angeles,CA. 2015
axel274: Quartier du Flon, Lausanne
PeteZab: Outlines
kasa51: ladder collector
haberlea: External Cornice
Jean-Lu-CLéo de 5 à 7: Another French connection
Steve Chasey Photography: K3 III-310323-036
Jean-Lu-CLéo de 5 à 7: TOTAL(e) Connerie TOTALitaire
Rob Oo: Embrace
kasa51: sculpture covered in dust
akinoproduzioni: JP2023_R0006318
davidstones51: DSC_0336
davidstones51: DSC_0320
Jean-Lu-CLéo de 5 à 7: Welcome nowhere
mfhiatt: Drake University
Rob Oo: Shades of green
PhilBee NZ (social historian): Hanoi, Vietnam (2)
Pilzenator: 16_Fence
kasa51: damaged building
JODF: Almocei churros hoje