nickinthegarden: Wilson's Snipe
wesleybarr1962: thats my baby
wesleybarr1962: on guard
nickinthegarden: Black Turnstone
Gordon Hart2012: Marbled Godwit
Gordon Hart2012: Short-billed Dowitcher
Gordon Hart2012: Long-billed Dowitcher
nickinthegarden: Yellowlegs
nickinthegarden: Spotted Sandpiper
nickinthegarden: Big n Small
nickinthegarden: Lesser Yellowlegs
Gordon Hart2012: Sanderling in flight
Gordon Hart2012: Pectoral Sandpiper
nickinthegarden: Spotted Sandpiper
nickinthegarden: Spotted Sandpipers
nickinthegarden: Spotted Sandpiper
nickinthegarden: Spotted Sandpiper
nickinthegarden: Killdeer
nickinthegarden: Spotted Sandpiper
wesleybarr1962: as the sun goes down...
nickinthegarden: Black Oystercatcher
nickinthegarden: Black Turnstones
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Least Sandpiper - Blackie Spit, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Black Oystercatcher with Oyster - Tsawwassen Ferry Jetty, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Wilson's Phalarope - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, BC
wesleybarr1962: A small bird in a big world
wesleybarr1962: Easy on the eye
wesleybarr1962: feeling frisky
wesleybarr1962: Birds of a feather flock together