Johnny Photofucker: Barcelos-AM
dodgyd53: Ring-necked female
dodgyd53: Black redstart (female)
dodgyd53: Kingfisher
dodgyd53: Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper
dodgyd53: Osprey photographed today in heavy rain & poor light
dodgyd53: peregrine falcon
dodgyd53: Wryneck
dodgyd53: Hare
Johnny Photofucker: Barcelos-AM
Johnny Photofucker: Barcelos-AM
Johnny Photofucker: Barcelos-AM
Johnny Photofucker: Barcelos-AM
dodgyd53: Redshank and spotted redshank
Johnny Photofucker: Barcelos-AM
dodgyd53: Green woodpecker
Johnny Photofucker: Barcelos-AM
Johnny Photofucker: Barcelos-AM
dodgyd53: Little owl hunting for food
dodgyd53: Red footed Falcon coming into land to eat her lunch
Johnny Photofucker: Rio Cauaburis
dodgyd53: Kestrel in flight
dodgyd53: Little owl
dodgyd53: hare
dodgyd53: Spotted flycatcher
luvgshepherds: I had the best morning watching this male Oriole working so hard to feed his little one. I unfortunately didn’t capture the actual feeding because I wanted to keep my distance. It was a beautiful start to the day!
luvgshepherds: I had the best morning watching this male Oriole working so hard to feed his little one. I unfortunately didn’t capture the actual feeding because I wanted to keep my distance. It was a beautiful start to the day!
luvgshepherds: I had the best morning watching this male Oriole working so hard to feed his little one. I unfortunately didn’t capture the actual feeding because I wanted to keep my distance. It was a beautiful start to the day!
Johnny Photofucker: São Gabriel da Cachoeira-AM
Johnny Photofucker: São Gabriel da Cachoeira-AM