ELLK Photo: Water, blur effect, SOOC
ELLK Photo: Framed by Cloud and Sand
muzzpix-nz: Two seconds and two birds at the Taupo tree...
ArdieBeaPhotography: 20231027_180542
ArdieBeaPhotography: 20231027_182615
xjyxjy: nz south island te anau bo pohutukawa
xjyxjy: nz south island te anau lake jetty
xjyxjy: nz south island te anau lakeside
muzzpix-nz: SS Garlock ...
muzzpix-nz: Couldn't resist...
muzzpix-nz: The Gap at Castlepoint...
muzzpix-nz: Sandblaster...
flying-leap: Sunrise....
ArdieBeaPhotography: 20230927_124432
Richard Meares: Reaching out - Fuji Pro 400h and Spotmatic F
muzzpix-nz: All washed up ...
flying-leap: New Brighton Pier....
xjyxjy: NZ Milford Sound shore boat terminal hills
muzzpix-nz: A confusing disarrangement...
johnstewartnz: 20230914_8905_R62-600 Heading for a swim (257/365)
xjyxjy: NZ Queenstown lake Wakatipu beach hills
muzzpix-nz: Renemants...
scinta1: “The cure for anything is saltwater – sweat, tears, or the sea.”― Isak Dinesen
muzzpix-nz: Three sisters sunset...
Richard Meares: Quiet reflection - Mairangi Bay, Auckland, NZ
ArdieBeaPhotography: 20230825_141753
xjyxjy: NZ South Island lake Pukaki shingle trees
muzzpix-nz: The hidden Taranaki treasures...
b.landscape: Rarawa Beach
NettyA: Hump Ridge Track - Bluecliffs Beach