Amberly Dreams: Best I could do with my old Fujifilm and a pair of cardboard glasses
oldTor: Onion cells. Phase contrast. 59:1
oldTor: OLFA Compass Circle Cutter OL-CMP-1. Wide Angle close-up, HDR
Amberly Dreams: Farewell Come April
Amberly Dreams: L C Smith
Amberly Dreams: Blueberry Lavender Spritz at Brass Ring Brewing Co.
Amberly Dreams: Point and Shoot
oldTor: Cilantro stem. Fragment. Transmitted polarized light. 52:1
_macius_: Tronc
oldTor: Fragment of a coin. Mark of the Moscow Mint. Polarized reflected light
_macius_: Crepúscle
oldTor: Black pepper. Macro 1:1, HDR
oldTor: Soap bubbles. HDR
Art et émotion: Plagistes
oldTor: Mechanism of Qiangsheng Luban miniature plane No. 101. Wide Angle close-up, HDR
_macius_: Taronja
oldTor: Flashlight. Wide Angle close-up
_macius_: Tronc i crepúscle
_macius_: Boles i òxid
_macius_: Abstracció
_macius_: Cargol
_macius_: Textura blau i vermell
_macius_: Xapa vermella
_macius_: Textura
_macius_: Textura
_macius_: Abstracció vermella