quinet: Papua New Guinea woven motorcycle
quinet: Demon fetishes
quinet: Skull idol
quinet: Sunfish
quinet: Thai demon plays a wicked instrument
quinet: Wicked Thai demon offers her breast
quinet: Combination pistol-hatchets
quinet: Combination dagger-pistols
quinet: Base of a stair rail
quinet: Antique Japanese pistol in scabbard
quinet: Hobbit door
quinet: Miniature coffin
quinet: Skull ivory pendant
quinet: Fake shrunken head
quinet: Unusual tankard
quinet: Antique manual mixer
quinet: Detail of a devil embossed on ancient armour
quinet: Birdfoot bag used to keep embers alive
quinet: Molds used by Jewish hatters
quinet: 1840 tobacco enema kit
quinet: Carved tusk
quinet: Pedoscope X-ray machine used in shoe shops
quinet: WWI facial reconstruction jacket
quinet: Unidentified antique machine
quinet: 1620 Dutch submarine prototype
quinet: Whale embryo
quinet: Elephant trunk lampshade holder
quinet: Chinese chicken teapot
quinet: Reminders of death
quinet: British military patches