Chiska2: Pack Patch Mini Done!
daisy & jack: finally sewn my #packpatchminiqal blocks together - another one for the hand quilting list !!
Laura VanVleet: Pack Patch Mini
LizCheese: Finished Pack Patch Mini
LizCheese: Finished Pack Patch Mini
needleanddime: Pack Patch Quilting
mimi'sdarlins: Mini Quilt
ylmommyx4: pack patch mini qal
ramblingroses: Pack Patch 6
ramblingroses: Pack Patch 3
ramblingroses: Pack Patch 2
ylmommyx4: pack patch mini quilt
oma Tam: Pack Patch mini QAL
mrscummings2u: My first mini. My first attempt at machine quilting. So much fun. All the scraps used have a home elsewhere, so this serves as a memory of things I have made for friends and family.
Françoise.B: finished #packpatchminiquiltalong
Owner/Designer/Researcher at Natural Quilts: catherine wheel double king size quilt1
courtiepie: Just had to finish #packpatchminiqal
courtiepie: I succumbed to the cuteness of #packpatchminiqal here are week 1 (favorite and true colors), week 7 (city and country mice), week 5 (kids and parents)
Spetziemom: I finished my packpatchminiquilt
stampqnjlr: Patch pack mini ready for binding
rutigt: 12patcha
rutigt: 12patchb
Amy York1: finished #packpatchminiquiltalong
Amy York1: #packpatchminiquiltalong
julielou41: Pack Patch Mini Quilt - Finished
julielou41: Pack Patch Mini Quilt - Finished
pieceful1: pack patch mini QAL finish
pieceful1: pack patch mini QAL finish
julielou41: PackPatch QAL
Chiska2: Pack Patch Mini Lay Out