clambert1000: Lune du 2024-04-22
hughaber: Day 6 Lunar Mosaic (Re-processed) 2015-03-26 19:53 UT
clambert1000: Lune du 2024-04-21
elfigrafie: Fly me to the moon
elfigrafie: Die Schweizer auf dem Weg zum Mond
covertsnapper1: Tycho Impact craters
covertsnapper1: moon mosaic
alexey206: 49.6%
alexey206: Equal focal length 7680mm
hughaber: 1 day 1 hour Lunar Phase 2024-04-09. 19.49 UT
alexey206: 39.1%
covertsnapper1: Tonight's Moon
covertsnapper1: The Moon shot with my 60mm refractor a zwo174mm and a long pass filter.
picturesbywalther: increasing moon shining
picturesbywalther: increasing moon
Vette02: Worm Full Moon
hughaber: Lunar Crater Longomontanus 2017-06-04 21.07 UT
hughaber: Eastern Edges of the Mare Orientale Impact Basin. 2021-02-27 01.53 UT - With Annotations
covertsnapper1: portpactrick
Vette02: Worm Full Moon
hughaber: Lunar Crater Clavius 2017-04-06 20.35 UT
La Nature de l'Homme - Scènes de vie Ordinaire: Au clair de la Lune - test One shot
clambert1000: Pleine lune du 2024-03-25 à travers les branches
hughaber: Lunar Crater Posidonius 2018-09-27 00.13 UT
clambert1000: Lune du 2024-03-24
clambert1000: Lune du 2024-03-23
clambert1000: Lune voilée du 2024-03-22 à travers les branches
clambert1000: Lune du 2024-03-21