Herr Benini: .never be defeated when freedom's on the horizon
Herr Benini: .would I take myself out tonight?
Herr Benini: .I planted the bushes so fruits would grow just to please the tongues that would taste them in the morning
Herr Benini: .I can see the doors have closed
Herr Benini: .on a white horse all blue in the moonlight
Herr Benini: .flying without wigs
Herr Benini: .it's a certain type of easy pace
Herr Benini: .oh, everything you love throw it all away
Herr Benini: .even in leaves some creatures build themselves a home
Herr Benini: .you were running so fast rush to nothing
Herr Benini: .crede nei superpoteri e che non siamo né di oggi né di ieri
Herr Benini: .appesi alla luna sopra Lisbona
Herr Benini: .meno case e più templi, più dei che abitanti
Herr Benini: .ach wär doch mein Herz eine Flasche voll Wein, dann tränk' ich sie leer, tät 'nen Zettel hinein
Herr Benini: .you're cussing a storm in a cocktail dress your mother wore when she was young
Herr Benini: .tausende Lichter, tausend Gesichter mit tausend Geschichten
Herr Benini: .senza volere raccogliamo le risonanze del nostro tempo dentro di noi
Herr Benini: .all the clubs are broken
Herr Benini: .fecha a porta apaga as luzes
Herr Benini: .entschuldigung, du weißt, ich muss jetzt gehen
Herr Benini: .this old world is almost getting cooked
Herr Benini: .is there a better place?
Herr Benini: .they know us
Leon.Antonio.James: Cairo Tunnels
Leon.Antonio.James: Egypt Window View
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