RKop: Gimme that fish!
RKop: sibling rivalry
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 15 Pepper and Salt Skipper
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 20 Red-Spotted Purple
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 21 male Zabulon Skipper
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 18 Spicebush Swallowtail and friend
Eric's Beacon St pictures: So you come here often?
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 19 Male Hobomok Skipper
nsxbirder: HORNED GREBE
RKop: Long Tail Duck
RKop: Long-tail duck
RKop: Long-tail duck
RKop: Long-tail duck
RKop: Long-tail duck (Female)
RKop: Long-tail duck
RKop: Ring-Billed Gull with Chad
RKop: Ring-Billed Gull with Chad
Roger Hickey: Whitetailed Doe
RKop: Connecticut Warbler
nsxbirder: OSPREY-08183866.jpg
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 20 Pearl Crescent and # 21 Silvery Checkerspot
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 15 Zabulon Skipper
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 16 Red- Spotted Purple
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 14 Male Hobomok Skipper
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 19 Spicebush Swallowtail
Eric's Beacon St pictures: # 17 Northern Pearly-Eye
RKop: Grasshopper Sparrow
RKop: Grasshopper Sparrow