achatphoenix: rural Rheiderland
achatphoenix: some light in the darkness
spanaut: Bus
spanaut: chicken bus
achatphoenix: bridge geometry - Brückengeometrie
Mellagi: Half Moon Cay
Mellagi: Chuva
achatphoenix: Saatkrähen - Rooks at rest
achatphoenix: rural roads in february
achatphoenix: Calm East Frisian Winter Roads
Studio d'Xavier: A Rare Sighting of the Elusive Google Car
achatphoenix: Carnival Jubilee
HolmesBartonHolmes: Saharan Motor Hotel
HolmesBartonHolmes: Signs of growth, Lometa, TX
achatphoenix: we haven't yet seen the end of it
HolmesBartonHolmes: Little pink house
achatphoenix: more above than below (while driving)
achatphoenix: trip into the blue
Sashab4me: Grants Pass
Sashab4me: Oil Wells
Sashab4me: _DSC0480
Sashab4me: California Aqueduct going up the Grape Vine
Sashab4me: Pallet Fence
Sashab4me: Cotton Field
Sashab4me: Oil Wells
Sashab4me: Grave Creek Covered Bridge (Explore)
Sashab4me: Black Sheep-Harley Davidsons for Christ
Sashab4me: Lights or music notes?
Sashab4me: Moon Rise on the freeway
Sashab4me: _DSC0123