walneywave: Gracie enjoying the first snowfall of the season
Zarpazos en el corazón: Nose-Touch Greeting 1
jmhutnik: My Boys - Digital Art
walneywave: Gracie on an autumn day
walneywave: Gracie at the duck pond
walneywave: Gracie ready for Halloween
adioslunitaadios: dolsa y luky
walneywave: Gracie in the early fall
walneywave: Gracie enjoying her walk in the woods
ellenc995: 9/12B ~ Happy Birthday to Lily!
walneywave: Gracie crossing a rainbow at sunset
walneywave: Gracie standing beside the duck pond
walneywave: Gracie with her new find
ellenc995: 9/12A ~ My nurse Lily!
walneywave: Gracie about to enjoy her birthday dinner
adioslunitaadios: Disfrutando de la naturaleza 066
walneywave: Gracie cooling down in the creek
walneywave: Gracie lying among the ferns
jmhutnik: Nut Case
jmhutnik: Backyard "Pets"
ellenc995: 7/12B ~ Lily makes me smile!
Patrick Semmler: Murmeltier, Groundhog
Zarpazos en el corazón: Spritz 👀🐦🐦😋
ellenc995: 7/12A ~ "Patriotic Lily"
walneywave: The Escape Artist