LordAtlas: Ann Neville: The patroness and founder of Queens college (Industrial lighting)
LordAtlas: The white boar: Symbols of the house of Plantaget, york and Queens college
LordAtlas: The white lion: The symbol of York
LordAtlas: the historical Door: Secrets of Queens college grand hall
LordAtlas: Anne Neville: the lady in Blue
LordAtlas: The Archway
LordAtlas: Inside Queens College
LordAtlas: Second lesson in Punting
LordAtlas: The Window of Queens College
Andreadm66: Brave Little Bosworth.
LordAtlas: First lesson in Punting
LordAtlas: The Awaiting Game: Advancing in the Fields of Victory
LordAtlas: The Awaiting game
ChristineGibbs: Richard in snow
LordAtlas: The Betrayal of William, Lord Stanley
LordAtlas: Lord Stanley and his Knight
LordAtlas: A Muster of Cannons
LordAtlas: King Richard III and his Bodyguard
LordAtlas: xmas lights: The Statue of King Richard III
LordAtlas: The Might of Henry VII: Renfircements from France and Wales
LordAtlas: The Might of both Kings: Stenght of The Pikemen and Nobles
LordAtlas: The Might of Both Kings: The Strenght of Arms
LordAtlas: The Might of Henry VII: the Pikemen of War
LordAtlas: The Might of Henry VII: Strenght of The Muskets and Pikemen
LordAtlas: The Knights of Bosworth: The Might of Henry Tudor
LordAtlas: The Knights of Bosworth: The Knights and Ladies of King Richard III's Court
LordAtlas: The Knights of Bosworth: Marching into Warand Glory
LordAtlas: King Richard III's Loyal Knight
LordAtlas: The Knights of King Richard III
ollieinbath: DSC03373