saul landell: aprenderé a vivir en la memoria de los muros
saul landell: Exodo Lírico
Elena Yaschenko: On the sunny road
Glenn Meling: Dyveke
Ben Heine: Moustache
laurenlemon: 088/365 March 29, 2009
.Luigi Mirto/ArchiMlFotoWord FIAF/AFI-UIF: Sorpresa a fare merenda - Surprise picnic
Fang Tong: I see you [Explored #1 March 31st 2013]
.Luigi Mirto/ArchiMlFotoWord FIAF/AFI-UIF: 1982 Venditore di Cipolle - 1982 The Onion Seller
andre govia.: HaRd CanDy :: ( explore )
B℮n: Family twilight dusk sunset
Evelyn Arthur Richman: Silenced, choking from Feelings
Ronaldo F Cabuhat: Summer Wedding
B℮n: Rainy day in old and beautiful Ciutadella
rosemaryanneprosser: the girl and the mountain horse
` ppimm `: Make a wish ♥
Amsterdamned!: gracious
.Luigi Mirto/ArchiMlFotoWord FIAF/AFI-UIF: Il peccato di un uomo, ....quella donna - The sin of one man, ....that woman
naughton321: Passengers
Amsterdamned!: you took a piece of me
. ADRIEN .: Le Baiser de la Tour Eiffel
Irene Becker: SAMARI (BOYS)
Mohav [Trafficante di Sarde]: Thinking about - B/W Self-Portrait
manganite: Faked Geisha
laurenmarek: thanksgiving chill
Luis Montemayor: Contemplando la Vida