BenoitGEETS-Photography: Blue chair ( it's pink ... I am indeed colorblind)
BenoitGEETS-Photography: La denteliere (ou l'amour des aiguilles)
BenoitGEETS-Photography: The chair of Vernouillet
BenoitGEETS-Photography: Plant that looks at his lost freedom
lepiemontais: Empty seats
BenoitGEETS-Photography: Abandonned castel
BenoitGEETS-Photography: La chaise qui attendait
tenmusk: smoking room outside
Machicouly: At the office
BenoitGEETS-Photography: Vieil homme invisible qui a froid aux pieds
BenoitGEETS-Photography: Sal(l)e de cours
BenoitGEETS-Photography: sal(l)e de cours
BenoitGEETS-Photography: La vieille dame attendait,... et la mort vint
BenoitGEETS-Photography: En attendant un futur bain de soleil
BenoitGEETS-Photography: En attendant le soleil
BenoitGEETS-Photography: Chaises abandonnées
BenoitGEETS-Photography: Chaise abandonnée