Man_of Steel: Cumin-enjoying his “HAPPY-PLACE”…. ( well-actually, he’s pretty much happy anywhere we hang together!)
Sumana Khanom: birds in flight
Man_of Steel: C H I C A G O : : A City on a Lake.
Man_of Steel: "Make No Little Plans..."
Man_of Steel: Cumin, enjoying the opportunity to be “camouflaged” amongst some grey sycamore leaves
Man_of Steel: The Void
Man_of Steel: Saturday Morning Chainsaw + WoodChipper Sounds = Neighbors-Tree-Go-Bye-Bye!
Man_of Steel: Questions-I-think-about..🤔
Man_of Steel: The Chicago River’s South Branch
Man_of Steel: Tortoise Shell
Man_of Steel: Cumin’s Fall-Colors Calendar Shot
Man_of Steel: Meditative Man.
Man_of Steel: An Apple-Tree’s Entire existence on Earth-in one image
Man_of Steel: Ready for Harvesting, I'd say.....
Man_of Steel: Lake Point Tower- CHICAGO
thomassylthe: juvenile cedar waxwing
thomassylthe: cedar waxwing
thomassylthe: perched on a cana
Man_of Steel: C H I C A G O- a small City on a Lake
Man_of Steel: Cockscomb…. What-a-fabulous-flower
Man_of Steel: Melon-iscious
Man_of Steel: A Thistle-Family of Flowers
Man_of Steel: Lake Point Tower & Streeterville
Man_of Steel: Artichoke-a-liscious
thomassylthe: neck and neck
thomassylthe: majestic flier
Man_of Steel: Where the Sky Meets The Water
JCaseltine: Buffalo Tree Hopper
Man_of Steel: In the Thistle family- a Cynard Scolymus flower
thomassylthe: touching the sun