Man_of Steel: A Thistle-Family of Flowers
Man_of Steel: Lake Point Tower & Streeterville
Man_of Steel: Artichoke-a-liscious
thomassylthe: neck and neck
thomassylthe: majestic flier
Man_of Steel: Where the Sky Meets The Water
JCaseltine: Buffalo Tree Hopper
Man_of Steel: In the Thistle family- a Cynard Scolymus flower
thomassylthe: touching the sun
Man_of Steel: Prairie Plantings in The Chicago Park District’s Montrose Harbor Park.
Man_of Steel: Beautifully Landscaped Public Park Space
thomassylthe: soft footing
thomassylthe: soft pedal
thomassylthe: love pink
thomassylthe: love red
Man_of Steel: C H I C A G O :: The Most Visually Striking City- on a Great Lake!
Man_of Steel: Cumin & The South-Side-Union-Local 1-member/Iron-Worker we met at the 12th St. Beach
Man_of Steel: Our Friend, our “Auntie” to Cumin-her small dogs were an inspiration for CUMIN’s entering our life-3+ years ago
Man_of Steel: Wolf Point- where the Chicago River splits in-two directions
thomassylthe: humming bird trumpets
Man_of Steel: Come-on-Man!
Man_of Steel: Just-a-little-too-cozy-in-my-FAVORITE-Park-in-Chicago....
Man_of Steel: Wildflower
thomassylthe: hummingbird delight
thomassylthe: nectar lover
thomassylthe: soft landing
Man_of Steel: One-Day…. I’ll grow mighty & be a Pine-Cone!
Man_of Steel: Urban Garden- Parking Lot where my Studio's sited.
Man_of Steel: To some… it’s a damn WEED, yet to others it’s a beautiful flower to be in a Dining-Table’s-Vase.
Man_of Steel: Can “We-The-People” please find a better, Greener, less obnoxious manner in how we celebrate our Freedom from Colonial Rule by The Crown?!