3Bs7Gs: Great Blue Heron_MG_0214
Traud: P1280120 Regentropfen
Traud: P1280103 Regentropfen
urbangarden: Lily Asiatic red
danielkieffer: après l'averse du petit matin / after morning rain / nach einem morgenregen
Traud: P1270578 VIDEO Wolkenbruch
urbangarden: Raindrops on pansies
urbangarden: Raindrops on alchemilla mollis 'Irish Silk', also called lady's mantle or garden lady's mantle
danielkieffer: trio de trifoliés / 3x trefoil / 3x dreiblättrig
Ionuț_Ciobotaru: IMG_20220904_101823
Traud: P1240785 Regentropfen
3Bs7Gs: Raindrops on "Little Gem" Magnolia Leaves
Ionuț_Ciobotaru: IMG_20220703_094822
Traud: IMG_3120 Regenwetter
Ionuț_Ciobotaru: IMG_20220410_111921
danielkieffer: automne-mobile 13
Traud: P1190048 Regentropfen / Raindrops
Traud: P1190548 Regentropfen / Raindrops
Bernard Spragg: Just Joey. Rose.
Traud: IMG_0580 Regentropfen / Raindrops
Traud: IMG_8315 Night Rain / Regen in der Nacht
3Bs7Gs: Lovely Yellow on a Cloudy Day IMG_0116
3Bs7Gs: IMG_0011 Pink Tulip with Raindrops
Traud: P1180807 Regentropfen / Rain Droplets
Traud: P1180832 Regentropfen / Rain Droplets
Traud: P1090910 Group Smile on Saturday: Theme: Title wanted
musikfreund47: Frauenmantel (Alchemilla L.) im Regen
jsolistamargo: colouring the rain