Ernst-Jan de Vries: Reed 'n bricks
Ernst-Jan de Vries: Big wheel keeps on turning
Ernst-Jan de Vries: Zeche Ewald
Ernst-Jan de Vries: Zeche Ewald
Ernst-Jan de Vries: Zeche Ewald
Ernst-Jan de Vries: Zeche Ewald
CarlosMF: Old "Sarmiento" frigate
skrm-analog: aljezur arrifana N°23
skrm-analog: munich N°125
skrm-analog: munich N°124
skrm-analog: munich N°116
CarlosMF: Eucalyptus tree and sky II (Rollekin 35mm adapter for 120 camera)
CarlosMF: Eucalyptus tree and sky (Rollekin 35mm adapter for 120 camera)
branko_: falun dafa - union square nyc
branko_: falun dafa - union square nyc
branko_: falun dafa - union square nyc
branko_: falun dafa - union square nyc
CarlosMF: Clouds and palm (Rollekin 35mm adapter for 120 camera)
_stefkas_: -The Carchive- dolce vita
CarlosMF: Tree and anthill in the afternoon
Ernst-Jan de Vries: Schwarzwaldbahn
Ernst-Jan de Vries: Heidelbeerwald
Ernst-Jan de Vries: Wasserfalle Triberg