cazalegg: Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major - Female
Anson Griffith: 700_6392_edited
Anson Griffith: 700_5999_edited
Anson Griffith: 610_9002_edited
markus.jacobs1899: Common Swift
Anson Griffith: 700_5939_edited
Anson Griffith: 700_5933_edited
Anson Griffith: 700_5988_edited
wesleybarr1962: These look attractive
wesleybarr1962: seems something tasty in there
markus.jacobs1899: Reed Bunting
wesleybarr1962: It's okay.....we hear you
wesleybarr1962: Hanging on
wesleybarr1962: dropped in to see you !!!!
wesleybarr1962: Annual visit
wesleybarr1962: the brightening days of spring
markus.jacobs1899: Fighting Black-tailed Godwits
markus.jacobs1899: Flying Northern Lapwing
wesleybarr1962: first of the year
markus.jacobs1899: Plunge-diving Brown Booby 3
markus.jacobs1899: Brown-necked Raven
markus.jacobs1899: Greater Hoopoe-Lark
markus.jacobs1899: Bar-tailed Lark
markus.jacobs1899: Kentish Plover
markus.jacobs1899: Iago Sparrow
wesleybarr1962: Grey Ghost
markus.jacobs1899: Kentish Plover
markus.jacobs1899: Brown Booby with fish
markus.jacobs1899: Little Egret
markus.jacobs1899: Subadult Brown Booby