bobby 3 dog: IMG_4228.2023.1a.Squirrel
bobby 3 dog: IMG_0411.2023.1ab.Squirrel
debbydebster78: Sea Iguana Galapagos
Vittorio Ricci (thx to all!! 7.5 millions views): South Africa, patrolling a dry riverbed
Vittorio Ricci (thx to all!! 7.5 millions views): South Africa, making fun of me
debbydebster78: The Kingfisher with fish
Vittorio Ricci (thx to all!! 7.5 millions views): South Africa, mother protection
debbydebster78: galapagos flightless cormorant
debbydebster78: Hawk defending his pray
temporary throne: Water buffalo
temporary throne: Mating pair of Double Barred Finches
temporary throne: Australian Pelican
temporary throne: Kite flying across the wetlands of the NT
debbydebster78: Amerikaanse scholeksters - American Oystercatchers at Galapagos
debbydebster78: Seal eguana
temporary throne: A guest in our garden
debbydebster78: Sealion at Galapagos
macdelou: across the ravaged land 2-
macdelou: guépards 2-
macdelou: troupe d'éléphants Amboseli
Malc Richings: Hooded Mergaser, Lophodytes, cacullatus