88kalvados88: Hide and seek
murraycdm: Old 395 at Division Creek
F!l!pe: Lucia's Mausoleum
F!l!pe: Bridge
F!l!pe: San Giorgio Maggiore
F!l!pe: Pôr do sol II (Sunset)
F!l!pe: Jack of hearts
F!l!pe: Madeira House in soap bubbles
F!l!pe: Rua Augusta Archway II
F!l!pe: Palace in the clouds
F!l!pe: Organist
F!l!pe: Guia Lighthouse
ka.ak.2: Zilverreiger
F!l!pe: Ponta da Piedade
F!l!pe: Stairway to the Atlantic
F!l!pe: Barn owl
ka.ak.2: Zeehond
F!l!pe: Setas
ka.ak.2: Middelstebontespecht
F!l!pe: Lunch beside the canal
F!l!pe: D. Pedro IV Square
F!l!pe: Pôr do sol
_niTin_: Thira, Santorini Greece
F!l!pe: Barril Beach
F!l!pe: Fort of S. João das Maias
F!l!pe: Sunbeams at the start of a new day
ka.ak.2: Visarend