Mairi29: Robin
Adam Swaine: Green parakeet London
Adam Swaine: Great Tit on Lichen in the Hedgrow London
Adam Swaine: COAL TIT (Periparus ater) London..
Adam Swaine: Churchyard Robin @ Edenbridge Kent..
Mairi29: Tawny Mining Bee1
Adam Swaine: Greenfinch Norfolk Country Lanes
slop george: Melanostoma scalare male
slop george: Sunshine Jumping Spider. Heliophanus flavipes
slop george: Platycheirus albimanus female ?
slop george: Melanostoma scalare female
slop george: Melanostoma scalare female 2
slop george: Tibellus oblongus.
slop george: Melellina segmentata.
slop george: Door-snail. Clausilia bidentata pos
slop george: Necrobia rufiicollis
tedesco57: Down House & Garden. Home of Charles Darwin EH
tedesco57: Blackcurrants at Knightshayes walled kitchen garden, near Tiverton, North Devon NT
Mairi29: Oh No!!
Mairi29: He's back for another go!
Mairi29: Waiting!
Mairi29: wren
celia.mulhearn: Female Blackbird
slop george: Metellina segmentata or mengei.
slop george: Could be Birch Shield Bug. ? hibernating
slop george: Eratigena duellica Giant House Spider.
slop george: Black lace Weaver.Amaurobius ferox. .
slop george: Buzzing Spider. Anyphaena accentuata.
Colin Rigney: Siskin